Men's Ministry



The mission of Men's Ministry is to encourage each other to become the leaders in our church, homes, families, work places, and communities; to take the place in life that God meant for men. 

We want to build real community relationships............ Are you ready to join the Men's Ministry Team here at Bethel? 

Many men become involved in Men's Ministry but are quickly burnt out by the perseverance and hard work involved in making it happen. It is important to understand that we are accountable to God and to others for our community involvement and service we give. While realizing the importance of a need for "balance" in our lifestyles. We have to establish our level of commitment to Men's Ministry. Men's Ministry needs reliable, motivated, team playing men to build an effective team. Every one of us will play a role in this Men's Ministry group whether its on an event planning team or part of the support network surrounding the event. Working as a real team - what it means to really consider each other in love. 

"Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also the interests of others." - Philippians 2:4

Men helping one another to follow Jesus. God meant for us to be in relationship with each other. There are some things in life that we can work through with the help of another man who may have experienced the same situation.


Men's Ministry Leader: 

Related Information

Ministries Adult Sabbath School Audio/Visual Ministry Children's Sabbath School Clerical/Secretarial Ministry Community Service Ministry Deaconess Ministry Deacons Disabilities Ministry Elders Financial Ministry Funeral/Wedding Coordinator Health Ministry Music Ministry Personal Ministry Department Ushers Youth Ministry Youth Sabbath School